As you can tell I am very far behind on blogging, so today was going to be a catch up day of getting my blog up to date…and then I came across Miss Alice and her Alice and Wonderland session and maybe it was meant to be for me to not have this session blogged yet so I can spread the word for this family. This little three year old has a special place in my heart, you see she was diagnosed just a few weeks ago with stage 4 Neuroblastoma cancer. It started as a back pain at the beginning of February, Alice’s scan showed three tumors, bone marrow and in the bone (skull, behind eye, vertebrae and hip). Alice’s family has stood behind my business from the first months that moved back to Iowa, I photographed her four times now and for the first three sessions she really did want to smile and boy could she be stubborn with those smiles…which brings me back to Alice’s cancer, she has so much fight in her and determination just like when she would not smile for me she will show this cancer what she is made of. I know there are fundraisers in the works, a Caring Bridge account, hats being made for Alice, and gift cards for the family (if you wish to help this family please contact me and I will get you contacted with the people helping out. Please keep this family in your prayers, thoughts, positives vibes..whatever you believe put it out there for this sweet family.