2017 Dallas Center Grimes School Senior Chase…Johnston Waukee Des Moines Ankeny Urbandale Grimes Iowa Photographer


This is 2017 Dallas Center Grimes high school senior Chase who was such a joy to photograph! She is not only gorgeous and super stylish but also one heck of a softball player which I think were able to incorporate all of that. Thank you Chase doing such an amazing job, and good luck with your senior year.

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The Manz Family Pictures…Johnston, Des Moines, Grimes, Granger, Polk City, Urbandale, Clive, West Des Moines Photographer

Here is the Manz family who I have been photographing for two years now and every session we get more and more creative how we are going to get the girls to smile…most of the time some sort of wonderful sugary delight (aka candy) works but now that the youngest is two we had to be even more creative. First princess fruit snacks, then delicious giant lollipops, how about some fancy beads, and finally what got us the biggest smiles ever was a vintage children’s book…who would of guessed…but we will take it! Thank you Manz family for always being up for my crazy ideas…enjoy your sneak peek!